
Time management – practical ways to make your teaching life easier

Teaching is not an easy job and all of us find ourselves managing huge responsibilities and countless tasks, big and small, on a daily basis. It is not surprising that by the end of the week, we feel exhausted, yet still have a mountain of students’ work to mark by Monday. According to research from the Education Policy Unit, most full-time teachers work an average of 48.2 hours per week with many working as many as 60 hours per week....


Teaching in the socially distanced classroom

Practical ideas for teaching levels B1-C1 During the lockdown, learners have had to be more self-sufficient, take responsibility for their learning, and manage their own time. They have had no choice but to work out problems on their own with no classmates and no teacher nearby to ask. As lockdown is lifted in many places, learners are starting to return to school. They may feel relieved that the sense of isolation they felt at home is over. But things have changed....


Kids are here to play – the importance of games

When talking about games or playing, we don’t often immediately think of the classroom or learning. The first thing that comes to mind is often a frivolous activity that both kids and adults engage in for fun. And yet, it is not uncommon for games to be used in education. In the English language learning classroom, games can be used as fun warm-up activities before diving into the meatier parts of the lesson, or throughout the lesson itself in order...

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